Highly skilled specialists are on the staff of BSUIR EMC R&D Laboratory. Professors of BSUIR and invited specialists from leading companies and universities of Belarus and other countries (USA, Canada, Poland, Russia) are also involved.
Specialists of BSUIR EMC R&D Laboratory are official technical experts of State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) of Belarus. Leading experts of the Laboratory annually participate in the international exhibitions, scientific symposiums, and conferences of the European and Global level (more than 20 countries), publish results of scientific researches in domestic and foreign editions, including IEEE Transactions, take part in large national and international scientific projects in areas of EMC, EMS, and EME.
Specialists of BSUIR EMC R&D Laboratory are official technical experts of State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) of Belarus. Leading experts of the Laboratory annually participate in the international exhibitions, scientific symposiums, and conferences of the European and Global level (more than 20 countries), publish results of scientific researches in domestic and foreign editions, including IEEE Transactions, take part in large national and international scientific projects in areas of EMC, EMS, and EME.
Vladimir I. Mordachev - Head of laboratory

Vladimir I. Mordachev was born in Vitebsk, Belarus. He received the Ph.D. degree (1984) in Radio Engineering from the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, Minsk, Belarus. His research interests include spectrum management, wireless communications and networks, electromagnetic compatibility and interference, wireless network planning, computer-aided analysis and design, cellular networks system ecology, RF systems modeling and simulation. He is extensively involved in consulting to wireless network operators, industry and the local government.
Eugene V. Sinkevich - Vice-head of laboratory

Eugene V. Sinkevich was born in Minsk, Belarus. He is currently engaged as Chief designer of "EMC-Analyzer" and "DFTS" projects in EMC R&D Laboratory of Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Main areas of interest: electromagnetic compatibility and interference, computer-aided analysis and design, wireless communications, and signal processing.