R&D Laboratory

Automated Double Frequency Test System (ADFTS)

    General potentialities:

  • automated detection, identification, and measurement of parameters for the desired path and all spurious (image, intermediate-frequency, etc.) paths, through which interference can influence the device under test;
  • automated detection, identification, and measurement of radio receiver susceptibility to nonlinear effects: blocking (desensitization), cross-modulation, intermodulation of all types and orders, etc;
  • electromagnetic compatibility analysis and prediction in the complex electromagnetic environment with the use of double-frequency testing results.


The main idea of this technology:

Files to download:

1. "Automated Double Frequency Test System (ADFTS)" Flyer

2. "Automated Double Frequency Test System (ADFTS)" Presentation

3. "Automated Double Frequency Test System (ADFTS)" Presentation, EMC’14 Tokyo

4. "EMC Virtual Testing Area" Flyer Note: The Virtual Testing Area (VTA) is intended for solving of EMC problems of spatially distributed radio systems. The VTA is based on ADFTS.

5. "Virtual Testing Area" Presentation



Papers to download:

1. V.I.Mordachev. Automated Double-Frequency Testing Technique for Mapping Receiver Interference Responses. IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol.42, No2, May 2000, pp.213-225.

2. V.I.Mordachev, E.V.Sinkevich. "Virtual Testing Area" for Solving EMC Problems of Spatially Distributed Radiosystems based on Automated Double-Frequency Test System. - 20th International Wroclaw Symposium and Exhibition on EMC "EMC Europe 2010", Poland, Wroclaw, Sept. 13-18, 2010, 7p.

3. Mordachev V.I., Sinkevich  E.V. Experimental Analysis of Radio Receiver Susceptibility to Out-of-Band Interference by Means of Double-Frequency Test System, Procedings of the 10-th Int. Symp. on EMC "EMC Europe 2011", UK, York, Sept. 26-30, 2011, pp. 405-411.

4. V.Mordachev, E.Sinkevich. Representation and Analysis of Radio Receivers' Susceptibility and Nonlinearity by the Use of 3D Double-Frequency Characteristics, Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium on EMC 'EMC'14/Tokyo', Tokyo, Japan, May 12-16, 2014, p.689-692.

5. E.Sinkevich, V.Mordachev. Investigation of the Transmitter Susceptibility to Reverse Intermodulation by the Use of Double-Frequency Diagrams // Proceedings of the EMC 2015 Joint IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and EMC EUROPE, Dresden, Germany, August 16-22, 2015, pp. 1159-1164.

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